Distant Reaches - Don’t Think, Just Drink!

Posts by J.Y. Tao

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J.Y. Tao
J.Y. Tao is a second generation Taiwanese-American writer born and raised in Los Angeles County.
Don’t Think, Just Drink!
Don’t Think, Just Drink!
A firewine drinking song often heard during cold nights at the Ale & Marrow
The Dyfwrych Difference
The Dyfwrych Difference
A jingle heard all throughout the Bazaar!
J.Y. Tao on “The Sixth Taste”
J.Y. Tao on “The Sixth Taste”
Q&A with JY Tao
A Journey’s End
A Journey’s End
An anonymous poem left by a traveler in lieu of payment for a firewine tab at the Stone's Way Inn.
The Sixth Taste
The Sixth Taste
The tenderest meats are cooked low and slow — and with a dash of profane love for seasoning.
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