All short fiction from the Distant Reaches
Songs for the Flies to Dance To
Robert Frankel
From one despot’s ashes rises another, from innocent blood runs a monster, and from the furthest reaches comes a reckoning.
The Legend of the Vagabond Prince
Nathaniel Lucas
Haunting, destruction, decay — OR Cogidubnus's curse and toil for peace.
Pigeons, Spice, and Murder Done Thrice
Benjamin Reeves
A cold case meets a visit from beyond the grave.
The Curious Matter of the Rat King Papers
Leigh Parrish
Recovered and assembled from the Magist Imperial University Archives
Bad Day on the Speeding Sinner
Robert Frankel
A train heist, an Uncanny bomb, and a rivalry to end all rivalries.
Craftsman of Strife
M.P. Rosalia
In which Lorasin Draxos faces trial for his role in the siege of Amalcross.
Losers Lose, Legends Live Forever
Andrew Sanford
Sometimes victory is the greatest curse in the world.
Dancing Bear
Benjamin Reeves
The sins of an empire do not always go unpunished.
Blood of a Titan, Heart of a Mountain
Nathaniel Lucas
To save his people, an old king must face an impossible beast.
Stanislow Fails Again
Andy Jiang
What could go wrong when a genius realizes he is anything but?
The Ballad of the Fallen Trees
Robert Frankel
A holiday tale of yuletide terror in the frozen wastes…
The Sixth Taste
J.Y. Tao
The tenderest meats are cooked low and slow — and with a dash of profane love for seasoning.