Distant Reaches - Distant Reaches Stands with the WGA

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Distant Reaches Stands with the WGA

<em>Distant Reaches</em> Stands with the WGA
Images courtesy the WGA East and West.

Distant Reaches stands with the Writers Guild of America in its fight for a fair contract.

Distant Reaches is first and foremost a world of story, and no story can be told without the writing. Writers — both in and beyond film and television — deserve fair pay for the hard work of what they do. And if you’re a writer, you know the best writing is only possible through a lot of hard work.

A strike, along with the work stoppage that comes with it, is a scary thing. Many of us at the Distant Reaches — including co-creator/co-editor Robert Frankel — are already out of work. Friends who’ve been working tirelessly for years are facing the risk that a strike will put an end to their film or TV show. Opportunities to obtain a foothold in the industry will be virtually nonexistent for the foreseeable future.

Writers stand with each other because they know how much there is to lose if they do not. Our craft, and the creativity it entails, brings us joy. We of course hope our readers and audiences also enjoy it. (Like anyone, we want to earn a living doing what we do best. Unfortunately, while indie projects like this one are creatively fulfilling, they don’t pay the bills. Corporate America does.) But storytelling is about more than this. Storytelling is how human beings interpret the world around them, how we understand the challenges within our societies, and how we envision new and better futures. This is vital work.

Distant Reaches belongs to no corporation or media conglomerate. It is an independent project from Benjamin Reeves and Robert Frankel, two writers and nerds (and pre-WGA screenwriters) with a passion for speculative fiction. With our incredible team of writers and artists, we will continue to bring you the best new fantasy fiction the web has to offer and that you won’t find anywhere else.

If you would like to support our contributors and our work, please consider upgrading to a premium subscription. If you are already a paid subscriber, thank you for helping us explore the Distant Reaches a little more each day.

To learn more about the writers’ strike, click here.

Robert and Benjamin

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