The Uncanny being known as Adrus is wanted, dead or alive, for a series of Amalcross slayings.
By order of Counselor Gibs Fitzgibbon ‘ja Auric of the Imperial Judiciary, Third District of Amalcross, the Uncanny Being known as Adrus, also known as “Granny Claw,” is wanted dead or alive for the wonton slaughter of dozens of young, pregnant women in the Boernside neighborhood. Be it known that Adrus is considered quite dangerous and all means of force, violence, and Binding magic are authorized in her apprehension or termination. Any Amalcrossers who see her are advised not to approach and to inform a member of the Amalguard, the Imperial Catechism, or the Bounty Hunter’s Collective immediately.
When stalking her prey, Adrus typically manifests in a form not unlike a human woman of approximately 60-65 years of age, stooped, and wrapped in a shawl. Witnesses have described her as appearing “like a kindly grandmother,” although they often note that her eyes “are black as obsidian” and that her fingers are remarkably claw-like.
Adrus typically appears at night on busy streets. On multiple occasions she has been spotted following young women — always pregnant — as they return home from shopping or other activities. Once they enter a quiet quarter or block, Adrus is said to feign helpfulness, offering to carry their parcels or baskets on their way. Only one person has survived such an encounter with Adrus, and she indicated to the Amalguard that the Uncanny engaged her in lengthy conversation about her life aspirations and her anxieties around childbirth prior to becoming violent.
Bystander accounts and crime scene evidence indicate that when Adrus kills, she transforms into a chitinous, insectoid-type monstrosity which uses pincers to delicately dismember its victims. They also recall her “howling like a wee babe” during this bloody process. In all cases, the unborn children were taken by Adrus. Recent reports indicate that she is often followed in the shadows by a profane entourage, amalgamations of insects and children, who feast alongside her on the bodies of her victims. These accounts are considered apocryphal, yet the public is nevertheless advised to avoid any contact with beings resembling “night orphans” at this time.
Whomsoever apprehends or kills Adrus and presents her body before the Imperial Judiciary shall receive a reward of one thousand Drams. Anyone who supplies actionable information leading directly to her apprehension or killing shall receive a reward of one hundred Drams.