Distant Reaches - The Unbecoming of Vigorix the Bold and the Rebirth of Vigorix the Enlightened

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Showing 1 - 11 of 11 results

The Unbecoming of Vigorix the Bold and the Rebirth of Vigorix the Enlightened
The Unbecoming of Vigorix the Bold and the Rebirth of Vigorix the Enlightened
An obscure tale of Vigorix the Bold, as recounted by the Chieftain Dellian.
The Vargjaata: The Voices of the Vicious Winds
The Vargjaata: The Voices of the Vicious Winds
From The Pantheon Fantastical, by Silvana Rhinebeck
BONUS SECRETS: The Justice of Vigorix
BONUS SECRETS: The Justice of Vigorix
An excerpt from A History of the Ancient Kings, by Harold 'ja Ioannis
The Legend of the Vagabond Prince
The Legend of the Vagabond Prince
Haunting, destruction, decay — OR Cogidubnus's curse and toil for peace.
“Battle of the Houndstooth Princes”
“Battle of the Houndstooth Princes”
A fragment from the Tales of Gorogorodongorong
On Polite Coexistence with the Rilk
On Polite Coexistence with the Rilk
Excerpt from Sister Xitha's Almanac (~899 NAE)
Born of Muck’s Terrible Hunger
Born of Muck’s Terrible Hunger
A folk tale of the Booley Swamps, as recorded by Leandro ‘ja Alba
The Roots of Discontent
The Roots of Discontent
Sordid parties, bad behavior, ancient gods, and a man at war with himself.
The First of Love, Strife, and Death
The First of Love, Strife, and Death
From "Theogony 'ja Amal," by Margareth Gerard
Rishne at the Bone Gates
Rishne at the Bone Gates
When a warrior princess confronts Death, she must choose between her fallen lover or her own soul…
Song of the Stonelayer
Song of the Stonelayer
In which the exploits of King Cogidubnus are revealed…
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